090703 WOD “Angie”

Workout: “Angie”

Complete for time:
100 pull-ups,
100 push ups,
100 sit ups,
100 air squats.

Post time to comments.


100 pull-ups,
100 push ups,
100 sit ups,
100 air squats.


50 pull-ups,
50 push ups,
50 sit ups,
50 air squats.


25 pull-ups,
25 push ups,
25 sit ups,
25 air squats.

Todays WOD is another Crossfit classic. Complete all reps of each movement before you move to the next.


Article: “Firefighters Race to Raise Money



Filed under WOD's

3 responses to “090703 WOD “Angie”

  1. “Angie” at 0930

    13:58 as RX’d

  2. Justin

    Stavros, I just found this site while surfing crossfit and was wondering if any Santa Rosa firefighters are going to do the Firefighter Combat Challenge this year? Fremont is July 18th and Reno is October 2nd these are the only stops this year that are close to home. Let me know if anyone wants to try it we are putting on a training course July 17th in Fremont on the real course if anyone wants to try it before having to compete.
    Justin McNulty
    Piedmont & Cloverdale Fire

  3. Woody

    17:55 as Rx’d
    feeling real weak/lethargic, can’t imagine it’s still from “Eva”
    AJ would probably be the only one doin it (combat challenge) and I’m not sure if he’s been training for it, Wes David is out obviously, and I’m sure as hell not doing it

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