Workouts: Day 1 and 2- Sunday, July 17th, 2011

Welcome to SRFD Fitness.   The purpose of this website is further wellness and fitness in our department.  Please feel free to look around, follow the workouts and post on the website.   You can subscribe to the posts on the right side, click “Sign Me Up”.  Also, email or reply on the post with any questions.

Today’s post will cover A, B, and C shift workouts for the tours starting 7/17/2011.

Day 1

Warm Up/Skill Practice-

Warm Up; 10 reps of push ups, sit ups, air squats, then 3 mins of jump rope.


500m Row (or 400m run)
followed by,

21-15-9 reps of;
Kettlebell Swings (Advanced: 53lb KB/Intermediate: 35lb DB/Beginner: 25lb DB)

then finish with,
500m Row (or 400m run)

Time starts on the first row/run, and ends after the final row/run.  Post whether you rowed or ran, weights uses, and total time to comments.

Day 2

Warm Up/Skill Practice-

Warm Up: Pistols (one legged squats).  You can use the rack, or hold on to something for assistance.  Here’s a video about how to do them, and stretch before you give them a try.

WOD– Strength and Mini-Metcon

The workout for today will be a strength session, followed by a mini-metcon.  Basically this means we do some lifting, then a short metabolic workout following.  We’ll start with the basic lifts and go from there.  Click on the links to see demo and explanations of the movements.

Strength- Front Squat  5 x 3

Here’s a long but great video of the front squat.  This is a great supplement to training the clean.   Again, if you don’t have rubber bumpers, put a use a blue mat or the rack for safety if you have to bail.


3 rounds for time of:

10 Front Squats (Advanced:165, Intermediate: 135lbs, Beginner: 95lbs.)
10 Push-ups
10 Sit-Ups (not crunches- chest to knees, shoulders to floor)

Post weights of front squat and time of mini-metcon to comments.


Day 1 Cardio-

Tabata Double-Unders.  20 seconds on/10 seconds off for 8 cycles, i.e. 4 minutes, of Double-Unders.  Count reps each round, score it total reps.

Post score to comments.

Day 2 Cardio- 2 mile treadmill run/2000m row

Post time to comments.


For the stretching, we’ll continue using “MobilityWOD“.  It’s a free blog by Kelly Starrett, DPT.  Each day different stretching/mobility movements are covered.  Items generally used are foam rollers, a lacrosse ball (or tennis ball), and some stretching bands.

Day 1 Stretching/Mobility- Trigger Point HQ and Shoulder MOB

Today’s mission finds us in Austin hanging out at the world HQ for soft tissue dysfunction with the man that invented the quad roller and trigger point ball

Day 2  Stretching/Mobility-  Resetting after a Shoulder Tweak/Sore Shoulders

Today’s mission is to have a quick MobRx for those times when you know nothing is wrong with your shoulder, but it just doesn’t feel right.


Article- Diet Soda Linked to Weight Gain

Diet Soda might not help you stay trim after all, new research suggests.

A study presented at a American Diabetes Association meeting this week shows that drinking diet soda is associated with a wider waist in humans


Filed under WOD's

13 responses to “Workouts: Day 1 and 2- Sunday, July 17th, 2011

  1. Woody

    Day 1

    500 m row
    KB Swings (44)
    500 m row
    Santos – 11:28
    Woody – 10:18
    Bunch – 8:42
    Chief – scaled down, no time

    Day 1 Cardio. Tabata DU (8 cycles)
    Woody 8-12-13-12-8-7-8-12
    Santos. 4-5-3-3-5-5-5-4

  2. Clink

    Day 1 Met Con
    Rx’d 10:29

    Day 1 Cardio

  3. Clink

    That was with 400 M Run and 55lb swing

  4. Woody

    Day 2
    Warm up – 2×5 pistols (each leg) 400m run, 10 pushups, situps, squats
    Front Squat:
    Santos 100-115-120-125-130
    Bunch 145-155-175-190-205
    Woody 145-155-175-190-205
    Santos 2:48 (95#)
    Bunch 2:13 (135#)
    Woody 2:42 (135#)

    2mile treadmill run
    Woody 15:31
    Santos 16:07

  5. Day 2 WOD (will do Day 1 later, or tomorrow on E3)

    500m Row
    21-15-9 KB swings/Burpees (used 62lb KB)
    500m Row

    8:27 as RX’d

  6. Woody

    5 rounds
    400 m run
    145#. DL 20reps
    20 pushups
    145# DL 10 reps
    10 pushups
    27:42. Ouch!!

  7. Day 1 Workout this afternoon, very hot in the app bay.

    Front Squat 3×5

    3:24 (w/165lb)

  8. KJ

    KJ, 7/20/11

    Day 2 WOD
    400 m run
    21-15-9 KB swing/ Burpees
    400 m run

    Just learned how to jump rope, so only single unders, hell, I can’t even do those that well! Yet…

    Thanks for the tips Stav

  9. Scott Bristow

    E-6 C Day 1
    400 run
    21-15-9 KB swings (with 55# DB’s) and burpees
    400 run
    Gloeckner 9:35,
    Berg 9:19
    Bristow 8:13

    Tabata Double Unders
    Gloeckner 10-5-8-4-5-7-9-8
    Berg 6-3-5-6-5-3-5-7
    Bristow 4-6-5-5-4-4-5-5


  10. Chris Matthies

    7C the big house
    Day 1 (literally)
    Run, Kettle bell swings, Burpiees, Run

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