Tag Archives: crossfit santa rosa fire department

Update on New SRFD Gym Equipment and Local Event: Friday, May 17th, 2013

Welcome to SRFD Fitness.   The purpose of this website is further wellness and fitness in our department.  Please feel free to look around, follow the workouts and post on the website.   You can subscribe to the posts on the right side, click “Sign Me Up”.  Also, email or reply on the post with any questions.

We are getting this website back up and running.  If you’d like to contribute content, or have any questions or ideas, contact Stavros or Pete.  

Please read the “Welcome SRFD, Start Here” page.  It contains important information about the website, how to follow the workouts, and what to do when starting out.

A, B, and C shift workouts for the tours starting 10/27/2011.

New Equipment in SRFD Gyms;

By now you may have noticed quite a few new items that have been introduced to (most) gyms in SRFD.  Today’s blog post is designed to go over those items, as well as some links to resources on how and what to use them for.  Some are self-explanatory, and some  you may still have questions about, please feel free to contact us if needed.

Olympic Barbell–  We have upgraded the gyms to new Olympic Barbells that are now one piece construction and safe for a variety of lifts and uses.  These are 45lb barbells with accompanying spring collars.  They have a comfortable knurling (the grip/pattern on the bar) and free spinning collars.

Rubber “Bumper” Weight Plates–  We have added these weights to the gyms in order to have the ability to safely perform overhead movements, and allow for “dropping” weights to the floor without risking personal injury or damage to the gym.  We purchased 45lb, 25lb, and 10lb.  In the future we may add 35lb and 15lb.

CrossFit Bumper Plates

12lb and 20lb Rage Medicine Balls–  These med balls can be used for wall ball, ball slams, weighted movements (sit ups, throws, etc).  In the future we may be adding a lighter version for the stations that do not have them.

35lb, 44lb, and 53lb Kettlebells–  A full set of KB’s have been added to the gyms.  These can be used for a variety of movements, lifts, and stretches.  Here are a couple video’s with ways to use them.  Video #1, Video #2.

Concept 2 Model D Rowing Machine–  This is a great piece of cardio equipment that is low impact and highly effective.  Read about technique here, and some ideas of workouts here.

Model D

The next blog post will address some of the other items;  foam rollers, stretching bands, lacrosse balls, plyo box and jump ropes.


For stretching, please visit “MobilityWOD“.  It’s a free blog by Kelly Starrett, DPT.  Each day different stretching/mobility movements are covered.  Items generally used are foam rollers, a lacrosse ball (or tennis ball), and some stretching bands.  Check in there daily for a new stretch, or search the site for older ones.

Event: CrossFit NorCal Regionals in Santa Rosa, May 24-26 at Sonoma County Fairgrounds.

After the CrossFit Games Open, the fittest men, women, and teams from each of the 17 regions around the world will move on to the next phase of the competition – Regionals.

Athletes and spectators will gather to see CrossFit competition in a more traditional format. There, under the critical eye of Level 1 judges, and in front of thousands in the stands, the best athletes of the region will prove their fitness.

Throughout the course of three days, each Regional will see athletes perform brutal combinations of workouts to test the range and depth of the athletes’ physical and mental capacitates. Athletes will give it their all, and after the end of the weekend, no more than three men, three women, and three teams will receive invitations to the 2013 Reebok CrossFit Games.

(click link for rest of article)


Filed under WOD's

Thursday, October 4th, 2012: FF Near Miss, Mobility, and Cancer Prevention.

Welcome to SRFD Fitness.   The purpose of this website is further wellness and fitness in our department.  Please feel free to look around, follow the workouts and post on the website.   You can subscribe to the posts on the right side, click “Sign Me Up”.  Also, email or reply on the post with any questions.

Please email with any questions or suggestions.

Please read the “Welcome SRFD, Start Here” page.  It contains important information about the website, how to follow the workouts, and what to do when starting out.



Article: “Fit Enough For the Unexpected“, Firefighter Near Miss

From the article: “A fit firefighter is a fireground necessity. The tasks a firefighter performs are labor intensive, can have long duration, and often have a ballistic quality. The time and place a fitness level may be challenged is an unknown. Maximum effort may be required with no notice. In concert with this month’s Near-Miss Safety Calendar topic, Firefighter/EMT Fitness, the following example affirms the benefits of adequate fitness.”

Click here to continue reading.

There are some great questions on page 3 of this article.  Take some time to consider these for yourself;

1. How would you rate your current fitness level?
2. Would you have adequate flexibility and upper body strength to extract yourself from a similar situation as the one described in
3. What is your total weight when dressed in your full PPE and SCBA? What is the difference between your body weight and your PPE/SCBA weight?
4. How much time do you spend on flexibility training, strength training and aerobic training each week?
5. When was your last fitness assessment?


I would encourage everyone to keep checking out “MobilityWOD“.  It’s a free blog by Kelly Starrett, DPT.  Each day different stretching/mobility movements are covered.  Items generally used are foam rollers, a lacrosse ball (or tennis ball), and some stretching bands.  Check in there daily for a new stretch, or search the site for older ones.

You can browse each day, or better yet, search by specific stretch (shoulder, knee, etc).

Article: Losing Weight, Getting Fit, can Reduce Chance of Breast Cancer“, USA Today

Women can’t control the things that most strongly shape their risk: age, race, family history and the ages at which they hit puberty and menopause. And while having kids before 30 appears to offer some protection, few women time their pregnancies with the risk of breast cancer in mind.

Yet experts say women can embrace one prevention strategy with unequivocal benefits: exercise. “One of the most important ways women can think about prevention is by maintaining a healthy weight throughout adulthood,” says the American Cancer Society‘s Susan Gapstur. “Ways to achieve that are clearly through eating a healthy diet and being physically active.”

(click link for rest of article)

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Filed under WOD's

Workouts: Day 1 and 2- Wednesday, November 2nd, 2011

Welcome to SRFD Fitness.   The purpose of this website is further wellness and fitness in our department.  Please feel free to look around, follow the workouts and post on the website.   You can subscribe to the posts on the right side, click “Sign Me Up”.  Also, email or reply on the post with any questions.

We’ve added some cardio/movement workouts.  Great place to start for a more traditional style workout.  Please email with any questions or suggestions.

Please read the “Welcome SRFD, Start Here” page.  It contains important information about the website, how to follow the workouts, and what to do when starting out.

A, B, and C shift workouts for the tours starting 11/2/2011.

Day 1- 


12 minute jog on treadmill.


3 x 5 squat
3 x 15 back extension
3 x 10 press

Day 2-


5 min run as fast as possible on treadmill.


3 x 10 bench press
3 x 10 incline DB press
3 x 5 Deadlift

Post totals to comments.


Day 1

Warm Up400m run 10 burpees/10 sit ups X 2.

Skill Practice- Overhead squat with PVC or bar weight only, 5 x 3.


Complete as many rounds in 10 minutes as you can of:

15 Push-ups,
12 Ring dips, (Advanced: Ring Dips RX/Intermediate & Beginner: bar dips)
9   Push-press (Advanced: 115lbs/Intermediate: 95lbs/Beginner: 45lbs).

Post rounds completed and weights used to comments.  

Day 2

Warm Up: 400m run/500m row

Skill Practice:  Strict Pullups. (no kipping or jumping). Do 3 sets, max effort each set.

WOD– Strength and Mini-Metcon

The workout for today will be a strength session, followed by a mini-metcon.  Basically this means we do some lifting, then a short metabolic workout following.  We’ll start with the basic lifts and go from there.  Click on the links to see demo and explanations of the movements.

Strength- 5 x 5 Weighted Pull Ups

This means 5 sets of 5 reps each of power clean.  Try to go up in weight each set.  Use a dumbell between the knees or ankles, or hang a kettlebell from a hose strap.


As many rounds as possible in 7 minutes.

5 dead hang pull ups (Advanced: 5 reps, Intermediate: 3 reps, Beginner: 5 ring rows)
10 hang power cleans with dumbbells (Advanced: 45lbs, Intermediate: 35lbs, Beginner: 25lbs)
20 air squats

Post weights of power cleans and time of mini-metcon to comments.


For stretching, we’ll continue using “MobilityWOD“.  It’s a free blog by Kelly Starrett, DPT.  Each day different stretching/mobility movements are covered.  Items generally used are foam rollers, a lacrosse ball (or tennis ball), and some stretching bands.  Check in there daily for a new stretch, or search the site for older ones.


Article: The Fast Food Revolutionary“,  WSJ.com

[mag1111food] “The difference between Chipotle and other fast-food restaurants is when our employees walk in, they see food. They have to cook. They have to chop.” –Steve Ells

This has been a year when the attention of the food world has been drawn to indie abattoirs and hydrocolloid-obsessed Spaniards, to tomato-farm slavery and shark-fin pirates, to foie gras trucks and $900 meals where you can’t tell the entrees from the plates, to mad chefs wielding liquid-nitrogen canisters and gentler souls instructing you on how to cook and eat your Christmas tree. And yet the most innovative man in the world of food at the moment is Chipotle founder Steve Ells, whose quiet insistence on well-raised meat and local and organic produce at his multibillion-dollar chain is changing the way America eats, one humongous burrito at a time.

(click link for rest of article)

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Filed under WOD's

Workouts: Day 1 and 2- Thursday, October 27th, 2011

Welcome to SRFD Fitness.   The purpose of this website is further wellness and fitness in our department.  Please feel free to look around, follow the workouts and post on the website.   You can subscribe to the posts on the right side, click “Sign Me Up”.  Also, email or reply on the post with any questions.

We’ve added some cardio/movement workouts.  Great place to start for a more traditional style workout.  Please email with any questions or suggestions.

Please read the “Welcome SRFD, Start Here” page.  It contains important information about the website, how to follow the workouts, and what to do when starting out.

A, B, and C shift workouts for the tours starting 10/27/2011.

Day 1- 


5 minute jog on treadmill, then 50 jumping jacks.


3 x 15 sit ups
3 x 15 Jumping Jacks
3 x 10 Seated dumbell Shoulder press
3 x 10 bent over rows

Day 2-


10 min run as far as possible on treadmill.


3 x 10 bench press
3 x 10 incline DB press
3 x 5 Deadlift

Post totals to comments.


Day 1

Warm Up30 Double Unders/400m run/30 Double Unders.

Skill Practice- Push Jerk, 2 reps on the minute for 5 minutes, medium weight.


5 Rounds For Time:
25 Double Unders (Beginner: 50 single unders)
10 Box Jump (Advanced:30″/Intermediate:24″/Beginner:20″)
5 Dumbell Push Press (Advanced: 45lbs/Intermediate:35lbs/Beginner:25lbs)
Post time and weights used to comments.  

Day 2

Warm Up: 400m run/500m row

Skill Practice:  Strict Pullups. (no kipping or jumping). Do 3 sets, max effort each set.

WOD– Strength and Mini-Metcon

The workout for today will be a strength session, followed by a mini-metcon.  Basically this means we do some lifting, then a short metabolic workout following.  We’ll start with the basic lifts and go from there.  Click on the links to see demo and explanations of the movements.

Strength- 3 x 3 Power Clean

This means 3 sets of 3 reps each of power clean.  Try to go up in weight each set.  Use bumper plates or some mats for safety if you drop the weight.


5 RD’s of;
10 Power Cleans(135lbs/95lbs/65lbs)
10 Burpees

Post weights of power cleans and time of mini-metcon to comments.


For stretching, we’ll continue using “MobilityWOD“.  It’s a free blog by Kelly Starrett, DPT.  Each day different stretching/mobility movements are covered.  Items generally used are foam rollers, a lacrosse ball (or tennis ball), and some stretching bands.  Check in there daily for a new stretch, or search the site for older ones.

Article: Sugar Obession and Childhood Obesity“, RobbWolf.com

It seems like every now and then I stumble across studies related to Children’s health, Women’s health… you know, pretty much the stuff that I deal with every single day as a mother and each new study seems to disproves everything the so-called “experts” had been trumpeting up to that point.

(click link for rest of article)

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Workouts: Day 1 and 2- Sunday, October 9th, 2011

Welcome to SRFD Fitness.   The purpose of this website is further wellness and fitness in our department.  Please feel free to look around, follow the workouts and post on the website.   You can subscribe to the posts on the right side, click “Sign Me Up”.  Also, email or reply on the post with any questions.

We’ve added some cardio/movement workouts.  Great place to start for a more traditional style workout.  Please email with any questions or suggestions.

Please read the “Welcome SRFD, Start Here” page.  It contains important information about the website, how to follow the workouts, and what to do when starting out.

A, B, and C shift workouts for the tours starting 10/9/2011.

Day 1- 


10 min run on treadmill, easy pace.


3 x 5  Back Squat
3 x 10 Shoulder Press
3 x 15 Weighted Sit Ups

Day 2


2 min on/2 min off treadmill run for 10 minutes.


20 Push Ups
3 x 10 Dumbell Press
3 x 5 Deadlift

Post totals to comments.


Day 1

Warm UpDo the Newbie (400m run/10 pull ups/20 push ups/30 sit ups/40 squats at an easy, untimed pace.

Skill Practice- Practice Kettlebell Swing.


4RD’s for time of;
12 heavy thrusters (Advanced: 115lbs, Intermediate: 65lbs, Novice: 45lbs)
400m run

Post time and weights used to comments.  


Day 2

Warm Up: 400m run/500m row

Skill Practice:  Strict Pullups. (no kipping or jumping). Do 3 sets, max effort each set.

WOD– Strength and Mini-Metcon

The workout for today will be a strength session, followed by a mini-metcon.  Basically this means we do some lifting, then a short metabolic workout following.  We’ll start with the basic lifts and go from there.  Click on the links to see demo and explanations of the movements.

Strength- Strict Press 5 x 5

Mini-Metcon- As many rounds as possible in 8 minutes.

5 strict presses (Advanced: 95lbs, Intermediate: 65lbs, Novice: 45lbs)
5 push presses
5 ‘shoulder to overhead’ (jerks)
20 jumping chest to bar pull-ups (bar should be approx 4″ inches above height)

Post weights of SP’s and time of mini-metcon to comments. 


For the stretching, we’ll continue using “MobilityWOD“.  It’s a free blog by Kelly Starrett, DPT.  Each day different stretching/mobility movements are covered.  Items generally used are foam rollers, a lacrosse ball (or tennis ball), and some stretching bands.

Day 1 Stretching/Mobility- Knee Pain on Stairs or Hills

Today’s mission is to shine a little light on a movement we take for granted, going up and down stairs.  It turns out that the same poor mechanics that cause jumper’s knee or push press knee are similar to the kinds of shear inducing forces inolved with running hills or walking stairs. 

Day 2  Stretching/Mobility-  Braced But Not Over Pressured

Today’s mission is a discussion with My Pocket Gymnast ™, Carl Paoli of gymnasticswod.com, about the role of being braced but not hanging out on tissue end ranges.


Article: Losing Weight, Getting Fit, can Reduce Chance of Breast Cancer“, USA Today

Women can’t control the things that most strongly shape their risk: age, race, family history and the ages at which they hit puberty and menopause. And while having kids before 30 appears to offer some protection, few women time their pregnancies with the risk of breast cancer in mind.

Yet experts say women can embrace one prevention strategy with unequivocal benefits: exercise. “One of the most important ways women can think about prevention is by maintaining a healthy weight throughout adulthood,” says the American Cancer Society‘s Susan Gapstur. “Ways to achieve that are clearly through eating a healthy diet and being physically active.”

(click link for rest of article)

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Workouts: Day 1 and 2- Monday, October 3rd, 2011

Welcome to SRFD Fitness.   The purpose of this website is further wellness and fitness in our department.  Please feel free to look around, follow the workouts and post on the website.   You can subscribe to the posts on the right side, click “Sign Me Up”.  Also, email or reply on the post with any questions.

We’ve added some cardio/movement workouts.  Great place to start for a more traditional style workout.  Please email with any questions or suggestions.

Please read the “Welcome SRFD, Start Here” page.  It contains important information about the website, how to follow the workouts, and what to do when starting out.

A, B, and C shift workouts for the tours starting 10/3/2011.

Day 1- 


4 min run/jog on treadmill, 2 minutes rest, 4 min run on treadmill.


3 x 10 Sets of  pull ups/chin ups
3 x 10 Dumbell Shoulder Press
3 x 10 Bench Press

Day 2


Do 5 x 1min sprints on treadmill or rower, rest as needed between.


3 x 15 Sit Ups
3 x 10 Incline Bench Press
3 x 5 Heavy Dumbell Deadlift

Post totals to comments.


Day 1

Warm UpDo the Newbie (400m run/10 pull ups/20 push ups/30 sit ups/40 squats at an easy, untimed pace.

Skill Practice- Practice Kettlebell Swing.


21-15-9 reps of:

Kettlebell Swings  (Advanced: 53 lbs/Intermediate: 35lbs/Beginner: 25lbs)
Dumbbell Thrusters (Advanced: 45 lbs/Intermediate: 35lbs/Beginner: 25lbs)

Post time and weights used to comments.  

Day 2

Warm Up: 400m run/500m row

Skill Practice:  Strict Pullups. (no kipping or jumping). Do 3 sets, max effort each set.

WOD– Strength and Mini-Metcon

The workout for today will be a strength session, followed by a mini-metcon.  Basically this means we do some lifting, then a short metabolic workout following.  We’ll start with the basic lifts and go from there.  Click on the links to see demo and explanations of the movements.

Strength- Deadlift 5 x 5

This lift used to be called the “health lift“.  There are many benefits to the lift, but it needs to be done safely and correctly.  Watch this video for some essential pointers.  It’s a longer video, but worth it.
This means 5 sets of 5 reps.  The idea is to go up in weight on each set of 5.  Start light and work your way up.  The sets are not timed, rest as needed in between.


“Deadlifts and Burpees”
5 Rounds for time of;

5 Deadlifts (95lb Beginner/135lb Intermediate/225 Advanced)
10 Burpees

Post weights of DL’s and time of mini-metcon to comments.  Compare weights and times to June 23rd post


For the stretching, we’ll continue using “MobilityWOD“.  It’s a free blog by Kelly Starrett, DPT.  Each day different stretching/mobility movements are covered.  Items generally used are foam rollers, a lacrosse ball (or tennis ball), and some stretching bands.

Day 1 Stretching/Mobility- The 10 Best Mobility Exercises for Runners“”

Day 2  Stretching/Mobility-  Improving Shoulder Position for the Press and Rack

Today’s mission is about improving external rotation in arm flexion, or getting the shoulder into a better, more congruent set up.


Article: How Exercise Can Strengthen the Brain“, NY Times

Can exercise make the brain more fit? That absorbing question inspired a new study at the University of South Carolina during which scientists assembled mice and assigned half to run for an hour a day on little treadmills, while the rest lounged in their cages without exercising.

(click link for rest of article)

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Workouts: Day 1 and 2- Tuesday, September 27th, 2011

Welcome to SRFD Fitness.   The purpose of this website is further wellness and fitness in our department.  Please feel free to look around, follow the workouts and post on the website.   You can subscribe to the posts on the right side, click “Sign Me Up”.  Also, email or reply on the post with any questions.

We’ve added some cardio/movement workouts.  Great place to start for a more traditional style workout.  Please email with any questions or suggestions.

Please read the “Welcome SRFD, Start Here” page.  It contains important information about the website, how to follow the workouts, and what to do when starting out.

A, B, and C shift workouts for the tours starting 9/27/2011.

Day 1- 


4 min run/jog on treadmill, 2 minutes rest, 4 min run on treadmill.


3 x 10 Sets of  sit ups
3 x 10 dumbbell shoulder press
3 x 10 barbell bent over row

Day 2


Do 5 x 1min sprints on treadmill or rower, rest as needed between.


3 x 15 back extensions
3 x 10 bench press
3 x 5 deadlift

Post totals to comments.


Day 1

Warm Up/Skill Practice-

Warm UpDo the Newbie (400m run/10 pull ups/20 push ups/30 sit ups/40 squats at an easy, untimed pace.

Skill Practice- Practice clean and jerk with dumbbells.


3 RD’s of:
500m Row
10 Hands of the ground push ups
15 Toes to Bar

Post time and weights used to comments.  

Day 2

Warm Up: 25 burpees for time.

Skill Practice:  Hollow Rocks.  Spend 2 minutes total (not including breaks) in the hollow rock position.  Here’s a good instructional video.
3 RD’s of:
500m Row
10 Hands of the ground push ups
15 Toes to Bar

WOD- Strength and Mini-Metcon

The workout for today will be a strength session, followed by a mini-metcon.  Basically this means we do some lifting, then a short metabolic workout following.  We’ll start with the basic lifts and go from there.  Click on the links to see demo and explanations of the movements.

Strength-  Hang Power Snatch 5 x 3

For a full set of 3 to count, you cannot let go of the bar.  Here’s a great video of the HPS.

Mini Metcon-

10 Dumbbell Thrusters
50 Double-Unders
8 Thrusters
40 Double Unders
6 Thrusters
30 Double-Unders
4 Thrusters
20 Double-Unders
2 Thrusters
10 Double-Unders
Thrusters- Advanced: 45lbs/Intermediate: 35lbs/Beginner: 25lbs
Double Unders- Intermediate: count DU attempts/Beginner: do 3x single unders
Post weights of shoulder press and time of mini-metcon to comments.


For the stretching, we’ll continue using “MobilityWOD“.  It’s a free blog by Kelly Starrett, DPT.  Each day different stretching/mobility movements are covered.  Items generally used are foam rollers, a lacrosse ball (or tennis ball), and some stretching bands.

Day 1 Stretching/Mobility- The 10 Best Mobility Exercises for Runners“”

Day 2  Stretching/Mobility-  Improving Shoulder Position for the Press and Rack

Today’s mission is about improving external rotation in arm flexion, or getting the shoulder into a better, more congruent set up.


Article: Wheat Belly“, Dr. Michael Eades

Over a half decade ago Professor Jared Diamond, in his Pulitzer Prize-winning book Guns, Germs, and Steel, famously wrote

“The adoption of agriculture, supposedly our most decisive step toward a better life, was in many ways a catastrophe from which we have never recovered.”

Dr Diamond was referring, of course, to the devolution of human health that took place as mankind suffered the corporal transformation driven by the mismatch between hunter-gatherer genes and an agricultural diet and lifestyle. Smaller stature, decreased cortical bone thickness, obesity, increased incidence of infectious diseases, dental caries, periodontal disease, vitamin deficiencies, and even famine – all common in agriculturists – were not, for the most part, the lot of pre-agricultural man.

(click link for rest of article)


Filed under WOD's

Workouts: Day 1 and 2- Wednesday, September 21st, 2011

Welcome to SRFD Fitness.   The purpose of this website is further wellness and fitness in our department.  Please feel free to look around, follow the workouts and post on the website.   You can subscribe to the posts on the right side, click “Sign Me Up”.  Also, email or reply on the post with any questions.  We’ve added some cardio/movement workouts.  Great place to start for a more traditional style workout.  Please email with any questions or suggestions.

Please read the “Welcome SRFD, Start Here” page.  It contains important information about the website, how to follow the workouts, and what to do when starting out.

A, B, and C shift workouts for the tours starting 9/21/2011.

Day 1- 


Jump Rope for 20 seconds on/10 seconds rest for 8 cycles (4 mins total) of jump rope (if you can do Double Unders, do those, if not, just jump rope)


3 x 10 Sets of bench press
3 x 10 Sets of Pull Ups (or max effort)

Day 2


Do 3 sets of 10 push ups, 10 sit ups, 10 air squats, rest as needed between sets.


5 mins of rowing or treadmill run.

Post distance to comments.


Day 1

Warm Up/Skill Practice-

Warm Up– Do the Newbie (400m run/10 pull ups/20 push ups/30 sit ups/40 squats at an easy, untimed pace.

Skill Practice- Practice clean and jerk with dumbbells.


4 RD’s
10 two hand dumbbell ground to overhead, both sides of dbs must touch ground between reps
50 Double Unders

Advanced: 45lb DB’s
Intermediate: 35lb DB’s, count double under attempts.
Novice: 3 RD’s of WOD, 25 DB’s and count double under attempts.

Post time and weights used to comments.  

Day 2

Warm Up/Skill Practice-

Warm Up: 100 Double Unders for time.

Skill Practice:  Hang Power Clean, start with 45lb bar, work up to a moderate weight, for a total of 10-15 reps.  Not timed, just drill the form and speed aspect of the movement.  Watch this video for instruction on the HPC.   

WOD– Strength and Mini-Metcon

The workout for today will be a strength session, followed by a mini-metcon.  Basically this means we do some lifting, then a short metabolic workout following.  We’ll start with the basic lifts and go from there.  Click on the links to see demo and explanations of the movements.

Strength-  Weighted Pull Ups 5 x 3

For a full set of 5 to count, you cannot come off the bar (fee do not touch ground).  Use a dumbell between the knees, thighs, or ankles.  Or, use a weight vest.  Start light, go heavier if possible.  Can be done strict, or with a kip.

Mini-Metcon- Women-Makers, As many reps as possible in 6 minutes.

Here’s a how-to video about women-makers and explination below;

Single dumbbell burpee (a dumbbell in one hand, do the push up part, and stand, no jump)
dumbbell snatch
dumbbell push press

Switch arms every rep.

(Advanced: 45lbs, Intermediate: 35lbs, Novice: 20lbs)

Post weights of pull ups and total rounds completed  of mini-metcon to comments.


For the stretching, we’ll continue using “MobilityWOD“.  It’s a free blog by Kelly Starrett, DPT.  Each day different stretching/mobility movements are covered.  Items generally used are foam rollers, a lacrosse ball (or tennis ball), and some stretching bands.

Day 1 Stretching/Mobility- Is your bed making you slow and weak?”

How does your bed affect your resting/recovery/adaptation position?  Is your bed making you worse? Do you spend a full third of your life in a crappy position?

Day 2  Stretching/Mobility-  Improving Shoulder Position for the Press and Rack

Today’s mission is about improving external rotation in arm flexion, or getting the shoulder into a better, more congruent set up.


Article: The 10 Best Mobility Exercises for Runners” -Competitor Magazine

One year ago Kelly Starrett, DPT and co-owner of CrossFit San Francisco, set out to record a year’s worth of near daily video blogs. Starrett (probably the strongest, most supple finisher ever in the history of the Quad Dipsea trail ultra), in developing an immeasurable bank vault of mobility exercises valuable for runners, not only provides the how but the why. A runner committing 10 minutes a day to Starrett’s “Mobility Workout of the Day,” or MWOD, is destined to bound away with some impressive understanding of mobility, tissue health and how it all ties into unleashing great performance.

(click link for rest of article)

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Filed under WOD's

Workouts: Day 1 and 2- Thursday, September 15th, 2011

Welcome to SRFD Fitness.   The purpose of this website is further wellness and fitness in our department.  Please feel free to look around, follow the workouts and post on the website.   You can subscribe to the posts on the right side, click “Sign Me Up”.  Also, email or reply on the post with any questions.

Please read the “Welcome SRFD, Start Here” page.  It contains important information about the website, how to follow the workouts, and what to do when starting out.

A, B, and C shift workouts for the tours starting 9/15/2011.

Day 1

Warm Up/Skill Practice-

Warm Up– 400m Run or 500m row/10 push ups/10 sit ups/10 air squats

Skill Practice- Practice Shoulder Press, Push Press, Push Jerk.  Watch the linked video below for instruction.


500m Row
30 Burpees
10 Shoulder-to-Overhead, 165lbs. (Use any of the methods in this video– Strict Press, Push Press, Push Jerk)*

Post total time.

*Must be picked up from the ground -no racks- but cleaning the bar each rep is not necessary.


500m Row (or 400m run)
30 Burpees
10 Shoulder-to-Overhead, 135lbs. (Push Press, Push Jerk, etc)*


500m Row (or 400m run)
20 Burpees
10 Shoulder-to-Overhead, 95lbs. (Push Press, Push Jerk, etc)*


250m Row (or 400m run)
15 Burpees
5 Shoulder-to-Overhead, 65lbs. (Push Press, Push Jerk, etc)*

Post time and weights used to comments.

Post time and weights used to comments.  

Day 2

Warm Up/Skill Practice-

Warm Up: 10 burpees/10 sit ups, mobilize shoulders.

Skill Practice:  Hang Power Clean, start with 45lb bar, work up to a moderate weight, for a total of 10-15 reps.  Not timed, just drill the form and speed aspect of the movement.  Watch this video for instruction on the HPC.   

WOD– Strength and Mini-Metcon

The workout for today will be a strength session, followed by a mini-metcon.  Basically this means we do some lifting, then a short metabolic workout following.  We’ll start with the basic lifts and go from there.  Click on the links to see demo and explanations of the movements.

Strength-  Bench Press  5 x 3

Going back to the basics, the bench press, except upping the reps to 5 each set.  Goal is to go up in weight each set, and do all reps unbroken.


“The Newbie x 3″

3 Rounds for time of;

400m Run (or 500m row)
10 Pull Ups
20 Push Ups
30 Sit Ups
40 Air Squats

Post weights of back squats and time of mini-metcon to comments. 


Day 1 Cardio-

Row 500m or Run 400m (1/4mile), rest 2 mins, repeat (trying to beat previous time)

Post times to comments.

Day 2 Cardio- 

1 mile run as fast as possible or 2k Row, as fast as possible.

Post distance/speed to comments.


For the stretching, we’ll continue using “MobilityWOD“.  It’s a free blog by Kelly Starrett, DPT.  Each day different stretching/mobility movements are covered.  Items generally used are foam rollers, a lacrosse ball (or tennis ball), and some stretching bands.

Day 1 Stretching/Mobility- Improving the Front Rack

Hey Supple Leopards,
Today’s Mission finds us in Canton, MA at the Reebok World HQ. I’m not gonna lie, being surrounded by 10 foot posters of incredible athletes is more than just a little inspiring. It also reminds me that the mission of the Mobility Project is not just to protect athletes from injury, or to help heal old issues, but rather to make the best athletes in the world better. With that, check out today’s misson with super freak Spencer Hendel. Remember, your set up dictates how you finish. Enter the tunnel well.

Day 2  Stretching/Mobility-  Shoulder- What to Fix First

Today’s mission is to camp out on your t-spine.  It is very rare that I don’t see some kind of thoracic stiffness as a component of shoulder dysfunction.  And for the coach and athlete, mobilizing the Thoracic-spine/trunk is easy and gets great results fast.  Besides, how do you expect to have a well functioning  rotator cuff if  your poor scapula is basically being held in a poor position by your stiff/rigid t-spine? If one of your athletes has a shoulder problem, start here.  Period.  Don’t let that athlete touch the bar until they’ve spent at least 5 min working on their business.  It’ like free money.


Article: Starks Steakhouse Chef Loses 55 pounds on Caveman Diet

Let me introduce you to the chef. Mark Stark is a charismatic, fun lovin’ guy who cooks crazy good food. You would never know that five months ago he was a heart beat away from a coronary. “I was eating the wrong things late at night and not getting much exercise. I went on the Caveman Diet and the weight just dropped off.

(click link for rest of article)


Filed under WOD's

Workouts: Day 1 and 2- Friday, September 9th, 2011

Welcome to SRFD Fitness.   The purpose of this website is further wellness and fitness in our department.  Please feel free to look around, follow the workouts and post on the website.   You can subscribe to the posts on the right side, click “Sign Me Up”.  Also, email or reply on the post with any questions.

Please read the “Welcome SRFD, Start Here” page.  It contains important information about the website, how to follow the workouts, and what to do when starting out.

A, B, and C shift workouts for the tours starting 9/9/2011.


Day 1

Warm Up/Skill Practice-

Warm Up– 400m Run or 500m row/10 push ups/10 sit ups/10 air squats

Skill Practice- Turkish Get Ups.  If you aren’t familiar with a TGU, check out this article and video.  Start with a light DB or KB and work up.  Singles only.


As many rounds as possible in 12 minutes.

20 one armed kettlebell swings: 10 right arm, 10 left arm (Advanced: 53lb , Intermediate: 35lb , Novice: 26lb)
15 Up and over box jumps (Advanced: 28″, Intermediate: 24″, Novice: 20″ step overs)
5 strict chin ups (Intermediate: 3 strict chins, Novice: chin ups using a band or jumping chin ups)

KB Swings-  Just above eye level, not over head.
Box Jump- No full hip extension required, but both feet must touch top of box and down on the other side. And it must be a “jump” for it to be RX (both feet leave the ground and land at the same time).  Novice step up and over.

Post time and weights used to comments.  

Day 2

Warm Up/Skill Practice-

Warm Up: 10 burpees/10 sit ups, mobilize hips & shoulders.

Skill Practice:  Hang Power Clean, start with 45lb bar, work up to a moderate weight, for a total of 10-15 reps.  Not timed, just drill the form and speed aspect of the movement.  Watch this video for instruction on the HPC.   

WOD– Strength and Mini-Metcon

The workout for today will be a strength session, followed by a mini-metcon.  Basically this means we do some lifting, then a short metabolic workout following.  We’ll start with the basic lifts and go from there.  Click on the links to see demo and explanations of the movements.

Strength-  Hang Power Cleans 5 x 3

The Hang Power Clean is a great movement to build and generate power and strength.  Watch the video, practice with the bar and make sure form is good before increasing the weight.  Compare weights to Thursday, June 29th.


3 rounds for time of:

12 Deadlifts, (Advanced: 135 lbs, Intermediate: 95lbs, Beginner: 65lbs)
9 Hang Power Cleans
6 Push Jerks

*Option of scaling up to 155lbs if you are ready for it.  Also, if no barbell available, use heavy dumbbells (45lbs)

Post weights of hang power cleans and time of mini-metcon to comments.    


Day 1 Cardio- 10 minute Time Trial

Spend 10 minutes on the treadmill, elliptical, or rower.  See how far you can go in 10 minutes.  Go as fast as you are comfortable with, but record your distance to compare to later.

Post distance covered to comments.

Day 2 Cardio- Jump rope for time

Do 200 single under jump ropes (beginner/intermediate), or 100 double-unders (advanced)

Here’s a good video on basics of the jump rope.  For those of you wanting to try double-unders, here’s a good video about how to get started on them.

Post time taken for reps to comments.


For the stretching, we’ll continue using “MobilityWOD“.  It’s a free blog by Kelly Starrett, DPT.  Each day different stretching/mobility movements are covered.  Items generally used are foam rollers, a lacrosse ball (or tennis ball), and some stretching bands.

Day 1 Stretching/Mobility- Head Position Fault and the Dip

Today’s MWod episode is a discussion with Uber Pocket Gymnast Leopard, Carl Paoli, about the relationship between head position and shoulder function.  This relationship is sort of a catch 22.  We will see athletes that are missing shoulder rotation and range break their head position to compensate. This compensation of course creates and even less optimal position.  We need to; Cue athletes to keep to maintain mid-line stabilization and peak torsional stability,  AND try to understand how and why they are compensating (so that this can also be addressed).  Besides, that Chicken Neck Dip isn’t sexy or efficient.  Position is power (and it looks better).

Day 2  Stretching/Mobility-  Load Ordering the Chest, Dipping, and Pressing

Today’s misson is to apply our load ordering concept to the dip or other upper body pressing exercises.  We need to get better at seeing an athlete move, and understanding why they are moving the way the are.  Missing internal shoulder rotation and extension?  What does that look like during dipping, or pressing?

Mission: 2 min per mob/per side minimum–mob till you make a change

Test/retest, pushup, dip, floor press


Article: Fructose May Increase Heart Disease“, Medical News Today

A recent study accepted for publication in The Endocrine Society’s Journal of Clinical Endocrinology & Metabolism (JCEM) found that adults who consumed high fructose corn syrup for two weeks as 25 percent of their daily calorie requirement had increased blood levels of cholesterol and triglycerides, which have been shown to be indicators of increased risk for heart disease.

(click link for rest of article)

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